Letter to the Editor

AMERICA: A Modern Day Assyria


*Opions expressed in Letters to the Editor are not necessarily those of The Messenger.

According to the Word of God, the Assyrians were a pagan culture who hated the Jewish people. The Bible tells us that they sacrificed their children on the altar of Asshur, the chief Assyrian god, as part of their idolatry and disobedience to the Word of God. In the end, Assyria was no more.

They were anti-Semites thousands of years before we even knew what the word meant. In Genesis
12: 3a, God says, “I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee.” In this verse, God is talking about His chosen people, Israel, through whom the Savior of the World, Jesus, would be born. To hate Israel is to hate God and, yet, today this kind of hatred is not only found in our cities and towns, but it has infected our schools, colleges, universities, and Congress. A Modern Day Assyria.

Today, they are the Democrat Party. Whether it is in Minnesota under the misguided leadership of Vice Presidential candidate, Tim Walz, who has not only been lying about his military service/rank, but has recently expressed his opposition to the Ten Commandments being placed in our public schools or at the White House under the leadership of President Joe Biden and to what has now become a candidate for President, Kamala Harris, America is witnessing what happens when godlessness becomes the new norm. Could this be why the Bible is silent when it comes to the United States of America and its future in God's end time solution to sin? A Modern Day Assyria.

Today, they are institutions like the Mayo Clinic. “One of the worlds most admired service organizations” (Berry & Seltman, 2008), they now pride themselves in being a leader in transgender altering surgery to the detriment of our children. After covering up the faces of the renowned Doctors Charles and William Mayo at a Mayo House gathering, their current leadership promised a new “brand” as though it is something to be proud of (sic). In the end, these radical doctors are the killers of the innocent (it's Biblical) when it comes to abortion and transgender altering surgery...and God will hold them accountable. A Modern Day Assyria.

Today, they are our public schools. Lead by the Minnesota Department of Education, Katherine Kersten, writing for the American Experiment, reported that the new K-12 social studies standards will “Instruct students to embrace race-based group identities, portray America as oppressive and imperialist, and call on our young people to resist our nation's fundamental institutions.” As a result, “We can be sure that Minnesota public schools will have among the worst social studies standards in the nation.” As an old socialist axiom says, “Give us your children for a generation and we will change the culture.” And to think that Governor Tim Walz led the charge all the way to China. A Modern Day Assyria.

Finally, they are the churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation. While there were seven of them in Asia Minor, the Bible tells us that the Church of Ephesus 'left its first love' (Rev. 2:4) for which Jesus seeks 'repentance' (v. 5); and the Church in Laodicea 'was neither cold or hot' (Rev. 3:16) for which Jesus calls for an 'opening of the door so He can come in and sup with them' (v.20). Sadly, this represents most of the churches that are now found across America. Did you know that many Biblical scholars believe that the church that will be present on earth at the time of the Rapture will be the Church of Laodicea? A Modern Day Assyria with millions and millions of people 'left behind.'

In conclusion, the only way we are going to change our country is to change its leadership in places like the Democrat Party, the Mayo Clinic, the Minnesota Department of Education, and those churches that have lost their first love and gone cold. Starting with repentance and a commitment to the infallible Word of God (Evangelicals), Christians must go to the polls this November and help to put an end to this evil versus good behavior consuming Minnesota and the United States of America.

And finally, let me end with Psalm 55:21 where the Bible says, “The words of his mouth were smoother than butter, but war was in his heart: his words were softer than oil, yet were they drawn swords.” It reminds me of people like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and the leadership of the Democrat Party. A Modern Day Assyria at the altar of Asshur...and the Great White Throne Judgment their destiny (Rev. 20).

Dr. James Russell Lehman
Kenyon, MN