Nerstrand City Council Meeting - July 9, 2024


City Council Meeting Minutes City of Nerstrand

July 9, 2024, 221 Main Street

7:00 P.M. Nerstrand, MN

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Monica Gernandt, John Harris

ABSENT: Kevin O’Brien

STAFF PRESENT: Clerk Frances Boehning

GUESTS: Karla Ingersoll, Laura Ostlie (Bollig), Dan Pfleger


Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Council member John Harris. All approved.


A. Payment of Claims dated July 9, 2024.

B. Minutes from June 11, 2024


Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Council Member Monica Gernandt, second by Council Member John Harris.

All approved.


Laura Ostlie provided an update regarding the request for federal funding. She requested that residents and businesses contact the elected federal representatives to explain why this funding is important to them. It was mentioned that work is progressing on the preliminary engineering report.


The Clerk said that she will be out of the office from July 17 through July 24. Council Member Monica Gernandt stated that she is willing to keep an eye on the emails, messages, and mail and cover while the Clerk is out.

The Clerk noted that Bollig returned a recent payment due to inaccurate billing. CTAS will be reviewed to ensure that the payment was credited correctly.

Following a joint review by the Clerk and Abdo, it was determined that CTAS in total is too high by $3,438.20. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to permit the Clerk to enter a correcting journal entry for $3,438.20 to be split between the General, Water, and Sewer funds, Council Member John Harris seconded, all approved.


A. Aged Utilities Balances – Following a review of accounts currently over 90 days late, the Council requested that late notices be sent to customers after 60 days late. The Council requested that shut-off notices be sent to customers currently on the aged list. The Clerk will work with Steve McDowell to shut off customers.

B. Engage new auditor – Schutz CPA.: Mayor Todd Evavold reviewed the proposal for auditing services from Schutz CPA. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to proceed with engaging Schutz CPA for the 2024 audit, Council Member John Harris seconded, all approved.


A. Update information for Pickle Ball Court: Council Member John Harris stated that he will investigate obtaining a windscreen for free from a local company. He noted that sometimes businesses are willing to provide the screens as they are then able to place their logo on them. Decisions to date regarding the pickle ball court were reviewed. Mayor Todd Evavold mentioned that he will contact Carleton College to see if they have inexpensive bleachers that be added next to the court. The locates for the court pad will be done and cement work should be started in August.

B. Pothole filling: Steve McDowell met with Pothole Patrol and reviewed the work that needed to be done on the streets. The quotes from Pothole Patrol were reviewed. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the quote for $1,475, Council Member John Harris seconded, all approved.

C. MS Ride Agreement: Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve signing the legal agreement to allow the MS Ride to use the Nerstrand City Park, Council Member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.

9. Reports of Officers

A. Public Works Director – Steve McDowell was not present at the meeting.

B. Mayor – Mayor Todd Evavold mentioned that when the cement pad for the pickle ball court is done, the current gravel area between City Hall and the Schiels building could be cemented over to improve usability. Mayor Todd Evavold made a motion to approve the bid for this cement work for $3,200, Council Member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.

C. Fire Department – The report from Joe Johnson was included in the packet for the month.

D. Council Members: Former Council member Dan Pfleger read his official written notice of resignation. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to accept Dan Pfleger’s resignation, Council Member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.


MOTION: Motion by Mayor Todd Evavold second by Council Member John Harris to adjourn. All Approved.


Todd Evavold, Mayor


Frances Boehning, City Clerk

Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for August 20th, 2024, at Nerstrand City Hall