Nerstrand City Council Meeting - June 11, 2024


City Council Meeting Minutes City of Nerstrand

June 11, 2024, 221 Main Street

7:00 P.M. Nerstrand, MN

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Dan Pfleger, Monica Gernandt, Kevin O’Brien

ABSENT: John Harris

STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Steve McDowell, Clerk Frances Boehning

GUESTS: Karla Ingersoll


Council member Kevin O’Brien made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Council member Dan Pfleger. All approved.


A. Payment of Claims dated June 11, 2024.

B. Minutes from May 9, 2024


Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Council Member Monica Gernandt, second by Council Member Kevin O’Brien.

All approved.


The Clerk reviewed the results of a meeting with Abdo to balance CTAS with the bank. The balance is getting closer and should be resolved within the next month. Projects coming up include adding loan information into CTAS, updating payroll, setting up payment of taxes, and revising the website.


A. Liquor license for Fire Hall Dance – Following a short discussion, Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve resolution 2024-15 Approving a Temporary Liquor License for the Fireman’s Street Dance, Mayor Todd Evavold seconded, all approved. The Clerk will submit the application to the state for the license.

B. Tuck pointing the east side of City Hall.: Mayor Todd Evavold noted that the company that did the tuck pointing last year may be able to fit us into the schedule for this summer to complete the east side of the building. Council member Monica Gernandt requested that we hold off on completing the building as it was not in the budget, and we need to complete the financial reconciliation.

C. Pothole filling: Mayor Evavold reviewed the current potholes of concern around town. Steve McDowell stated that there is some fill available, and that Howard Quamme could patch some of the holes as weather permits. Steve McDowell said he is looking for an asphalt company to fill the paved street holes. Council member Monica Gernandt stated that she knew of a company out of Faribault, Pothole Patrol, that may be able to assist. She will contact them.


A. Update information for Pickle Ball Court: Kevin O’Brien gave an update. C&H could paint the entire court for $10,500 or just the lines for $600. The company also noted that the concrete should have a 2 layer 6 mil vapor barrier and broom finish with no curing compound used. As the cost of the concrete and painted lines will completely use the current savings of $14,000 it was suggested that residents conduct a fundraiser to obtain a windscreen. The location of the court will need to be determined with consideration taken regarding the storm drains and snow storage. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to move forward with installing cement and lines, Council member Kevin O’Brien seconded, all approved.

B. Pump house block rebuild: Work will commence in August. The well house door will be replaced in July.

9. Reports of Officers

A. Public Works Director – Steve McDowell noted that Karla Ingersoll will be creating a waterway swale to remove water from her property and house foundation. The City Council members indicated that they approve of the plans to create a swale to move water off the Ingersoll property provided the water is not directed into the sewer or neighboring property. Mr. McDowell stated that due to recent heavy rains, bypass pumps were needed during the June 4 rain event. Wild parsnip is being monitored and will be either sprayed or mowed as needed. Work is being done on the lead and copper list as required by the State. The recent meeting with the MPCA was reviewed regarding chloride management and the new permit. Steve McDowell noted that the Agri Center’s water usage for the month will be higher than normal.

B. Mayor – Insurance Update Regarding Roof Repair – work will commence in September.

C. Fire Department – The report from Joe Johnson was included in the packet for the month.

D. Council Members: Council member Monica Gernandt questioned the state taxes missing from 2023. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to close the Heritage Bank account and use the funds for the new pickle ball court, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved. Council member Dan Pfleger stated that as he will be moving soon, he is resigning as of tonight. Council member Monica Gernandt reminded the Council that three members are needed for a quorum.


MOTION: Motion by Mayor Todd Evavold second by Council Member Kevin O’Brien to adjourn. All Approved.


Todd Evavold, Mayor


Frances Boehning, City Clerk

Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for July 9th, 2024 at Nerstrand City Hall