Dennison City Council Meeting - March 7, 2024


City of Dennison

Meeting minutes

March 7, 2024

The March Dennison City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Jeff Flaten on Thursday, March 7th, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Present were Councilors Heidi Cooke, Nichole Schloesser, Kaylyn Nygaard and clerk Jessica Page. Councilor Ruddle was unable to attend.

Councilor Cooke move to approve the meeting minute notes as presented for the regular December meeting. Clerk will update into meeting minute form, but content will not change. Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 4:0. Councilor Schloesser move to approve the Treasurer’s report. Councilor Nygaard second. Motion passed 4:0.

Old Business/Committee Reports/Building Permits: None.

Administrative Issues:

1. Terry Haugen is requesting some clarification on “compliance” of his parcel, and how it affects the ability for him to sell his house. He states the house is “non compliant” so he can’t sell it.

Mayor Flaten explained that the annexation was completed, as was a small section parceled off to square off property lines.

Terry stated that no notice was given for Ordinance 69 back in the 90’s to the Haugens. Councilor Cooke reviewed past meeting minutes and noted that Councilor Anders had referred to the property as “non-conforming”, not “non-compliant”. It just means that the parcel doesn’t conform to the new Ordinance, but was grandfathered in. So there is not an issue with selling the property. As to the questions about building on the property, each individual request will be reviewed as is normal practice, but there can’t be a blanket, yes, you can build a new shed, etc answer that the homeowner is seeking.

2. Update on Notice of Violations from the MPCA. No updates at this time.

3. With the SIU agreement, the City did submit the preliminary SIU agreement with the Dennison Meat Locker. It was noted that the TSS and BOD costs were set many years ago, and should maybe be looked at again. Also, with the addition of the phosphorus reduction equipment, should the City look at charging for additional phosphorus discharge from the locker plant? A baseline would need to be established (ie, what is an average discharge from a household and charge for the overage.)

Can costs be compared to other cities? Are the phosphorus levels the same? Ask Travis for any thoughts before asking Bollig. Do we need to look at bars going over certain levels? Nate noted that phosphorus is likely more due to infiltration issues.

Needs to be finalized and submitted in early May.

4. Lawyer review of contract for the new billing system. Contract has been sent to her. Need to review list of items for Opus. Her recommendations were sent out to Council earlier today. Contract doesn’t say anything about renewal prices. Heidi will talk to Opus about the requested contract changes. Looking at a starting date in June for the service instead of April.

5. For the City Park, are we going to look at getting a handicap accessible portable toilet? $250 monthly for handicap unit, $150 monthly for standard unit. Adequate space? Close to the sidewalk? Where to put so it meets accessability standards. Ask Floms if they have an idea what would be a good place to put it. If a good spot, put in the handicap one. Maybe do less months. 3 months? Maybe June to August due to the higher cost.

6. Property Complaints: Pete Lee Building, no updates available. Pete going to meet with potential buyer within next 2 weeks. Not sure what they are going to do.

7. Website Renewal. Three year subscription term. Year 1, $1,060; Year 2, $1,123; Year 3, $1,190. Looking at a possibility of a different website as costs have risen dramatically. Website would be done on Feb. 29th, with a March 1 renewal due date. isn’t able to reduce the cost of the year’s charge, but they did send back a one year non-renewable contract instead of the three year contract. Another site that the City was looking at is Municipal Impact. They have an annual subscription fee of $665 with one time set up fee of $449 . A third company, SM Tech Solutions, was contacted and return email forwarded to Council with costs. Local individual. Francis Boehning is willing to set up the new website for the City to add to her portfolio.

Councilor Nygaard move to continue with the one year contract with, and continue to look for alternate website options. Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 4:0.

8. Presidential Primary Elections went ok. 23 voters for Dennison. The City does get reimbursed for expenses related to the PNP.

9. Just an FYI, the MS Ride Across MN will be using the City Park as a rest stop for the bike ride. (It’s a 5 day fund-raising bike ride.) Date is Tuesday July 23rd.

10. Scrub trees are growing in the riprap at the bottom of the waterway by the water tower, as well as the three rocks by the water tower. Should be looked at and removed as needed.

Pile of firewood on city property. If still there needs to be moved.

11. Spring Clean up day. (Dates have been requested from Flom Disposal.)

12. Crack sealing issues, pictures sent to council. Mayor Flaten sent pictures to Sequoya. From the pictures, it appears that there are sections missing, but maybe not big chunks. Was it leftover from what they pulled off from before? Mayor Flaten and Dan S. will take a closer look at the streets to see what they can figure out.

Citizens Issues: None.

Mayors Issues: None.

Utilities: Nate attended the annual MRWA Training in St. Cloud. He felt the Training was good. Very informative, and Travis introduced him to several new contacts.

1) Update from Nate.

2) LMI fluoride pump has arrived. Nate completed quarterly samples before the conference.

3) Need pricing on the DO meter.

4) Water meters:

Malecha's outside reader is working, but it needs to be re-attached to the house? Nate will address. Larson's outside reader isn't working? They contacted Nate as they have recently returned from vacation. Thompsons house had been scheduled, but an unexpected issued arose with the Plumber, so it is still pending. Neal Wilson’s outside reader has been moved to the NE corner of his house. Nate will work on it this weekend.

Pond storage good until a substantial rain.

Ask Ben Schrader from UC if they would want a DO meter? Is it saleable?

5) Work on a standard review form for Nate’s review for next month. Send out form for an April review. Mayor Flaten move to use a standard performance review form for Nate’s next review. Councilor Schloesser second. Motion passed 4:0.

Councilor Schloesser move to pay the bills. Councilor Cooke second. Motion passed 4:0.

Mayor Flaten moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Schloesser second. Meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting: Regular meeting is Thursday, April 4th at 7:00.