Nerstrand City Council Meeting - April 9, 2024


Council Meeting Minutes

City of Nerstrand

April 9, 2024

221 Main Street

7:00 P.M.

Nerstrand, MN

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Dan Pfleger, Monica Gernandt, Kevin O’ Brien, John Harris


STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Steve McDowell, Clerk Frances Boehning

GUESTS: Don Quistorff, Tony Vezzoli, Annette Evavold, Darin Grant, Karla Ingersol, and Amy Harris


Council member John Harris made a motion to approve the agenda with additions, second by Council member Monica Gernandt. All approved.


A. Payment of Claims dated April 9, 2024.

B. Minutes from February and March


Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Council Member John Harris, second by Council Member Monica Gernandt.

All approved.

Clerk’s Report

1.The Clerk noted current issues with the audit and steps being taken to resolve differences between the bank and CTAS.

2.Due to an upcoming ARPA report due, continuing work on the audit and office organization, the clerk requested that additional hours be approved for April and May. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve up to 125 hours per month for April and May, Council member Harris seconded, all approved.

3.Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve switching from Libra to Microsoft Office on the office computer for $8.25 per month, Council member Harris seconded, all approved.

4.The clerk will pursue obtaining a new chair for the office as the current one is too short. She will also obtain a new answering machine for the office as the current one is worn out.

5.The Council approved the clerk attending the LMC annual meeting in Rochester.

6.Council member John Harris made a motion to approve bringing payroll in-house and ending payroll services with Abdo, Council member Kevin O’Brien seconded, all approved.

7.Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to discontinue invoice services with, John Harris seconded, all approved.

8.Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to suspend the phone number 507-332-2509 through MetroNet along with ID deluxe and voicemail, John Harris seconded, all approved.

9.A discussion was held regarding the Zoning Commission meeting schedule and minutes.


1.MS Bike Ride use of park as rest stop - Council member John Harris noted that other bike rides have used the park as a rest stop in the past. Council member John Harris made a motion to allow the MS Bike Ride to use the park as a rest stop with the fee waived, Council member Monica Gernandt seconded, all approved.

2.Resolution 2024-10 – Resolution accepting donation to cemetery fund - Council member Kevin O’Brien made a motion to approve resolution 2024-10 accepting a donation to the cemetery fund, Council member John Harris seconded, all approved.

3.Resolution 2024-12 – Resolution regarding new election law dealing with write-in vote counting. Council member John Harris made a motion to approve resolution 2024-12 regarding the new election law dealing with write-in vote counting, Kevin O’Brien seconded, Council members Evavold and Pfleger approved, Council member Monica Gernandt abstained.

4.Resolution 2024-13 – Resolution to allow clerk access to banking information. Council member John Harris made a motion to approve resolution 2024-13 to allow the clerk access to the banking information with edits, Council member Kevin O’Brien seconded, all approved.

5.Clerk hourly wages - Mayor Evavold made a motion to approve moving the clerk’s pay from the training rate of $25/hr to the full $27/hr, Council member John Harris seconded, all approved.

6.Scheel Building Gutters - Mayor Evavold reviewed the concerns regarding the degradation of the concrete wall due to water coming off the roof. A request was made to extend gutters around the entire roof. Steve McDowell suggested that gutters route the water to the south of the building so as to avoid ice on the front sidewalk. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the addition of gutters to the Sheel’s building, Council member John Harris seconded, all approved.

7.Pump house block rebuild (stucco) - Mayor Evavold reviewed the current condition of the building. A discussion was held regarding the bid for repairs received from Owen Masonry for $15,920. The possibility of combining the work with tuck pointing on the City Hall was discussed. Council member John Harris made a motion to table the discussion in order to allow Steve McDowell to obtain a 2nd opinion, Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved.

8.2024 Fee Schedule discussion (public meeting and resolution to occur at May meeting) - A discussion was held regarding adding a water/sewer access charge and a variance/CUP/IUP charge to the fee schedule. The proposed changes will be discussed and a public meeting will be held in May.

9.Hwy 246 informational meeting - Council member Monica Gernandt reviewed a recent open house for repairs to Hwy 246. Discussion was held regarding the possible turnback of Hwy 246 and repairs that will be completed in 2025.


1.Update information for Pickle Ball Court - Council member Kevin O’Brien reviewed the costs to install a pickle ball court; Asphalt - 10-12K, Groundwork - 5K, and Paint - 5K. The costs do not include nets or equipment. The area needed would be 20x44 ft of play area with a total area of 30x60 ft. The proposed location would be on the north side of the park. A discussion was held regarding possible cost savings including the use of concrete instead of asphalt, completing the asphalt work in conjunction with other projects, and potential fundraising efforts. Council member John Harris made a motion to continue discussions and plans at the May council meeting, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved.

2.Tony Vezzoli variance - Don Quistorff reviewed the variance application details and noted that the garage is proposed to be in line with the neighbors structures. The garage will be 13 feet from the lot line, 33 feet from the edge of the road, and 10 feet from the alley. Steve McDowell stated that there are no issues from a public works standpoint. He did not have any concerns regarding the variance or proposed structure. Council member John Harris made a motion to approve the variance, Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved.

3.Ordinance - Don Quistorff noted that he had reviewed the ordinances regarding fences. He will bring proposed changes to the May meeting with a possible public hearing at the June meeting.

4.Library - Council member Monica Gernandt noted that she will have the librarian contact the city clerk.


PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR - STEVE McDOWELL: Steve McDowell reviewed that the road grader is out and working on the alleyways. The excess rock will be brushed back into the roadway. There are a few spots that will need some additional rock added this year. The Farm Street project is moving forward.

Friday, April 12, the city hydrants will be flushed. A notice will be placed on Facebook.

A meeting with the MPCA regarding the chloride variance will be held in May. Mayor Evavold and Steve McDowell will be in attendance.

The compost sign will be back up soon.

Stump grinding behind the Scheels building will occur as soon as the area is cleared.

MAYOR - INSURANCE UPDATE REGARDING ROOF REPAIR: The re-roof work will begin as soon as it fits in the contractor’s schedule. New globes will be ordered for the front of City Hall to replace those that are broken.




MOTION: Motion by Council Member John Harris second by Mayor Todd Evavold to adjourn. All Approved.


Todd Evavold, Mayor


Frances Boehning, City Clerk

Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for May 14th, 2024 at Nerstrand City Hall