Nerstrand City Council Meeting - August 20, 2024


City Council Meeting Minutes City of Nerstrand

August 20, 2024, 221 Main Street

7:00 P.M. Nerstrand, MN

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Monica Gernandt, John Harris, Kevin O’Brien


STAFF PRESENT: Clerk Frances Boehning, Steve McDowell

GUESTS: Annette Evavold, Jolie Harris, Amy Harris, visitor


Council member John Harris made a motion to approve the agenda, second by Council member Kevin O’Brien. All approved.


A. Payment of Claims dated August 20, 2024.

B. Minutes from July 9, August 6th, and August 14th,2024


Motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Motion made by Council Member John Harris, second by Council Member Monica Gernandt.

All approved.


Bryan Caffin reviewed the preliminary engineering report. Steve McDowell requested that the sewer improvements be added to the report, Bollig replied that they would work with Steve to add the items.

Motion to request Bollig Engineering submit the preliminary engineering report, including the sewer improvement, to USDA Rural Development and other funding agencies. Motion made by Monica Gernandt, second by John Harris, all approved.

Bollig noted that Nerstrand could receive additional funding if the median household income falls below a specific threshold. Bollig said that for $20,000 they could contact every household in Nerstrand and if they receive better information, the city’s median income could be less than stated in the U.S. Census report. This would allow the city to apply for additional grant money. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve Bollig Engineering moving forward with contacting all residents to determine accurate household incomes at a cost of $10,000 down and $10,000 when funding is received, Council Member Kevin O’Brien seconded, approved by Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Member Monica Gernandt, Council Member Kevin O’Brien. Not approved by Council Member John Harris.


A. New utility billing company options – The clerk reviewed the options available for utility billing companies. She will review the top two options and report back to the Council next month. Council Member John Harris made a motion to approve tabling the discussion until September, Council Member Monica Gernandt seconded the motion, all approved.

B. The Clerk reviewed recent activity during July and early August.


A. Fix City Hall front door and bathroom – The recent problem with the toilet overflowing was discussed. The mechanics of the toilet water tank need repair along with the floor drain which was not functioning properly. A plumber will be contacted regarding this. It was noted that the front door of the building has a couple of gaps. A request was made to have Lee Gernandt look at the door and make a recommendation.

B. Discuss proposed levy. The final levy budget meeting is set for December 10th, at 7:00 pm. The public is welcome to attend and speak.: A discussion was held regarding the proposed levy. Council Member Monica Gernandt suggested that residents be requested to come before the Council and participate in the discussion at the September 10 meeting. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to table the discussion until September 10th, Council Member John Harris seconded, all approved.

C. Open Council Member positions – The current position filings were noted. Two residents filed for five open positions; another resident filed as a write in candidate. If positions remain open following the election, the Clerk will work with the League of Cities to determine if the current Council appoints new people or if the new Council should.

D. Co-op Fuel – Council Member John Harris made a motion to approve a prepay order with Co-op fuel of $4,394, Council Member Monica Gernandt seconded the motion, all approved.

E. Tree trimming in the alley - $645 quote from Flom Tree – Following discussion, Council Member John Harris made a motion to accept the quote of $645 from Flom Tree to trim the trees in the alleys, Council Member Monica Gernandt seconded, all approved.

F. Vezzoli construction permit – The timing of the permit and current progress were discussed by the Council.


A. Update information for Pickle Ball Court: The cement is curing. Mayor Evavold reviewed that the grading was done and will be seeded. He requested that a pallet of sod be purchased from Baun Sod for $250 to be placed near the swale to prevent erosion. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the $250 for a pallet of sod, Council Member John Harris seconded, all approved.

B. Aged Utility Balances: A discussion was held regarding residents paying for aged utility balances. The Council agreed that a letter would be sent to residents after two missed payments notifying them that if payment is not made, the water would be shut off.

C. Small Cities membership: Following discussion, the Council choose not the enroll in Small Cities.

9. Reports of Officers

A. Public Works Director –

- Steve McDowell stated that he would be in training in Mankato next week with additional training in September to maintain his license. Council Member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve payment of the $40 invoice for training along with mileage, Council Member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.

- Steve McDowell noted the current issues with the lead and copper inventory project. He is scheduled to receive additional training on this.

- The new NPDES permit has been issued and the City now has 180 days to develop a chloride management plan.

- The well house has been tuck pointed and painted.

B. Mayor – Mayor Todd Evavold mentioned that the new roof would be installed in about two weeks.

C. Fire Department – The report from Joe Johnson was included in the packet for the month.

D. Council Members: None.


MOTION: Motion by Council Member Monica Gernandt second by Council Member Kevin O’Brien to adjourn. All Approved.


Todd Evavold, Mayor


Frances Boehning, City Clerk

Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for September 10th , 2024, at Nerstrand City Hall