Nerstrand City Council Meeting - May 14, 2024


Nerstrand City Council Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2024

7:00 P.M.

COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Todd Evavold, Council Members Dan Pfleger, Monica Gernandt, John Harris

ABSENT: Kevin O’Brien

STAFF PRESENT: Public Works Steve McDowell, Clerk Frances Boehning

GUESTS: Don Quistorff, Annette Evavold, Harvey Anderson, John Bonde


Council member John Harris made a motion to approve the agenda with additions, second by Council member Dan Pfleger. All approved.


A. Payment of Claims dated May 14, 2024.

B. Minutes from April


Motion to approve the Consent Agenda with removal of MPLC check. Motion made by Council Member Monica Gernandt, second by Council Member John Harris.

All approved.


Bryan Caffin reviewed the status of the paperwork and will provide a final report to the Council before submitting the grant application. The federal government is requiring a lead service line inventory by mid-October. The state will provide grant money to accomplish this. Bollig will assist with obtaining grant money to complete the inventory.


Tyler See reviewed the final audit presentation as completed by Abdo.


A. 2024 Fee Schedule discussion – Council member Monica Gernandt questioned the need for multiple levels of service on water and sewer. Steve McDowell clarified that this was a state requirement. Steve McDowell requested that the Community Garden be added to the fee schedule. Mr. Anderson questioned the minimum charge for sewer and water and commented that his location was being charged the minimum, but he was not using any of the services. The Council explained that if he wished, he could cap the lines to terminate the services. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the fee schedule with the addition of the Community Garden, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded the motion, all approved.

B. Move posting box to front of City Hall from current location on side of Schiels Bldg.: As the City Hall is on the historical register, the posting box cannot be moved.

C. Set budget dates: The City Council will meet to discuss the budget on August 6th and 14th. The August City Council meeting will take place on August 20th. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the clerk extended hours for June up to 125 hours to review and finalize numbers in CTAS, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved.

D. Rotary Bike Tour to use City Park on September 7, 2024.: Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the use of the park by Rotary with the fee waived, Council member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.

E. City Clean Up: The Council decided not to proceed with a citywide clean-up day as there has not been enough interest shown. This will be reviewed again next year.


A. Update information for Pickle Ball Court: Mayor Todd Evavold reached out to a couple of cement contractors, but they were not interested in submitting a bid. A bid was received from Dohmen for $13,000. Options were discussed. Council member John Harris made a motion to table the discussion until the June meeting, Council member Monica Gernandt seconded, all approved.

B. Scheel Building Gutters: The gutters have been installed.

C. Pump house block rebuild: Bids for the work have been received. Council member Monica Gernandt suggested that the tuck pointing on City Hall should be completed first. Mayor Evavold responded that the other buildings were in poor condition. Following a short discussion on the quotes received, Mayor Evavold made a motion to accept the quote from O’Leary without the sealant on the Scheels building for a total project quote of $24,500, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded, all approved.

D. City Hall re-roof and front light globes – work on this project will begin in June.

9. Reports of Officers

A. Public Works Director – Steve McDowell: Rice Cty sent out a notice regarding noxious weeds – Steve McDowell will work to address any noxious weeds concerns in the City. Updates were provided on the state of the roads and the status of the Farm Street project (still waiting on information from the law firm). Steve McDowell noted that the Community Garden has 18 plots and 7 have been committed to date. He will be attending the MPCA meeting at the end of this month. The federal requirement regarding the lead pipe inventory is on his radar and he will with the Health Department to ensure it is done on time. There is some concern regarding some sewer parts that are showing wear and will need to be replaced. He will work with Bollig to source funds to complete repairs.

B. Mayor – Insurance Update Regarding Roof Repair – work will commence in June

C. Fire Department – John Bonde – A check is needed to move the money received from State Aid to the Fire Relief Association. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve adding this to the May checks, Council member Dan Pfleger seconded the motion, all approved. John Bonde explained that PERA is offering a fire pension fund and that the state would provide up to $37,000 if the fire service would sign up. The fire department would like to conduct a cost analysis. Council member Monica Gernandt made a motion to approve the cost analysis, Council member John Harris seconded the motion, all approved.

D. Council Members: Council member Dan Pfleger commented that he will be moving in the next few months.


MOTION: Motion by Council Member John Harris second by Mayor Todd Evavold to adjourn. All Approved.


Todd Evavold, Mayor


Frances Boehning, City Clerk

Next City Council Meeting is scheduled for June 11th, 2024 at Nerstrand City Hall